
Congee Wong

星期一: 10:00–21:00
星期二: 10:00–21:00
星期三: 10:00–21:00
星期四: 10:00–21:00
星期五: 10:00–21:00
星期六: 10:00–21:00
星期日: 10:00–21:00



用戶: Studio Potato
評分: 1

用戶: zhu Kyle
評分: 1
過年點了整隻貴妃雞回家,居然是冰的,而且明顯不是當天的,顏色都不一樣了,現在餐飲確實不容易,但想你們這樣的店 倒閉的話 其實挺好的

用戶: 我真的好想吃垮多倫多
評分: 5

用戶: calvin zhu
評分: 1
我覺得這家歧視說國語的顧客:今天我們家10點一開門就進去的,也很快第三個下了單,點了豬紅粥,油條,腸粉和鹵牛筋,還為我兒子要了杯白水,因為他才10歲,不能喝茶。我們一直等到10點半,餐廳都坐滿了,周圍幾桌比我們晚來,晚下單的顧客都已經上了菜。。。而且他們比我們晚來了10多分鐘的油條都上了,我們問了幾次,卻一點東西都沒有,連我兒子的白開水都沒有。。。等了半個多小時,我們實在生氣就走了。其實這兩個月之前我也來過兩次吃午飯,也覺得不錯,給了15%的小費,但不知道這次為什麼服務這麼差,我能想到的唯一原因是周圍的都是講粵語的熟客。 I think this restaurant discriminates against customers who speak Mandarin: Today, we arrived at the restaurant right when they opened at 10 am. We were the third group to place an order, and we ordered congee, Chinese donuts, rice noodle rolls, and braised beef tendon. We also ordered a glass of plain water for my son, who is only 10 years old and cannot drink tea. We waited until 10:30 am, by which time the restaurant was full and other customers who came in later than us had already received their food. Even the Chinese donuts that were ordered more than 10 minutes after ours had been served to other tables. We asked several times about our order, but nothing came out, not even my son’s glass of plain water. After waiting for over half an hour, we got angry and left. Actually, I had eaten lunch here twice in the past two months and thought it was good, I left a 15% tip. But I don’t know why the service was so bad this time. The only reason I can think of is that this restaurant prefer the regular customers around us spoke Cantonese.

用戶: Nancy Liu
評分: 3


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